प्रकृति हमें क्या कुछ नहीं सिखाती। एक नन्ही सी चिड़िया भी हमें जीवन की अनमोल बातें सिखाती है। तो आईये जानें क्या करती है यह नन्ही नभचर और जीवन के कौनसे गुर सिखाती है?
चहकने से जिसकी होती है हर दिन की शुरुवात,
कर लेते हैं हम भी थोड़ी जुगलबंदी उसके साथ।
नन्ही सी चिड़िया जब भी आती आंगन के द्वार,
ज़ोर शोर से भर देती सबके मन में उमंग व प्यार।
चुस्त, फुर्तीली पलक झपकते कर लेती कार्य संपन्न,
एक एक तिनका जोड़ कर लेती अपने सपनों का घर परिपूर्ण।
नीले – नीले आसमान में उड़ान लगाती बेफिक्र,
सिखा देती कैसे तोड़े जीवन के रहस्यमयी चक्र।
नन्ही नभचर अंजाने में कहती अनमोल वचन,
ध्यान पूर्व समझो, जीवन में आ जाए आश्वासन।
दिखाती कैसे अपने बच्चों का करो मार्गदर्शन,
फिर उड़ जाने दो उन्हें करने अपने सपने संपन्न।
चख़ लेने दो उनको भी जीवन के उतार चढ़ाव,
तभी आगे चलकर सफलता से पार करेंगे जीवन के पड़ाव।
हमारी कविताओं के संग्रह पर एक नजर जरूर डालें।
Beautiful poem
Beautiful lyrics
I am inspired
Beautiful. Nature bas so many things that teach us life’s greatest lessons. We have to look around and embrace those lessons.
Such a simple and sweet poem. I really miss the sparrows. We had a neem tree and our terrace used to be full of sparrows collecting the twigs. I have watched the mother teaching the kids many times.
Your poem is really good and gives a beautiful lesson about childcare.
How the nature teaches us life lessons is beautiful
Lovely poem. I have a garden here with so many creatures but the best are the ones taking food to their holes and nests for their little ones. Nature is indeed beautiful and teaches us a lot of things.
Aha! That’s a lovely poem…. yes, there’s a lot to learn about resilience, adaptability and freedom from even a small bird!!
Yes, nature taught us many beautiful life lessons. from birds to trees, we can learn so much , if we keep a curious approach. I loved the poem. and loved your hindi blog too. each time, you share unique hindi content and I enjoyed thoroughly reading it,
This is so beautiful, taking lessons and inspirations from every and any living being like chidiya.. Its quite hopeful and positive
It’s been years when we last saw the sparrows coming to our balcony, singing and playing. Now, all we see are the pigeons and crows but not these little birdies. Recently, we have seen very small birds coming to our balcony, they are so small and so cute, seems like they are looking for some space to make their nest. And, yes they teach us so much about life.
Bird teaches us some very important life lessons. Beautiful described and makes so much sense. I remember one animated video that I always should in my sessions that teaches us how self awareness can makes us take more challenges and help us come or of our comfort zone.
If one wishes to learn , every living being can teach us something unique! This poem about how a tiny sparrow can teach us to life our lives better , was truly inspiring.